Award-winning filmmakers, documentarians, & content creators
Modern-day storytellers, integrating elements from the classics
Authentic, original stories will resonate
In collaborations
Truthful, often comedic content showcased in multiple forms
An environment supporting exploration & expression
To tell memorable stories
To tell meaningful stories

Who is Mishnoon?
Mishnoon is a full-service film & video production house based out of Austin, Texas since 2007. no matter what stage you’re at in the video process, we’re here to help tell your story. whether it’s a Documentary, Commercial, web series, narrative film, or music video, We’d love to connect and learn more. We can write a script/concept or execute a pre-existing script/idea.
Mishnoon is headed by two Award Winning Filmmakers and brothers Josh and Nick Holden. we specializing in writing, producing, directing, and editing. Together the Brothers have written and directed over 100 commercials, five narrative feature screenplays, and premiered their first feature film, The Golden Rut, at The Austin Film Festival and won"Best Feature"at the Sunset Film Festival in Los AngeleS. THEy ARE CURRENTLY IN POST PRODUCTION ON THEIR SECOND FEATURE FILM “Sell Out.”
What does the word Mishnoon mean?
MisHnoon (Majnun) comes froms the arabic & Persian tale of Romeo and Juliet. After losing the love of his life, it’s said that Majnun eventually lost his mind and roamed the beaches writing poetry in the sand. Growing up in Louisiana, our Lebanese family would call us “majnun” as an endearing way to say that we were always up to something crazy. when we started our film company we decided to keep the tradition going and to this day we always strive to keep to the spirit of it’s origin alive and produce stories with heart, poetry, and personality.

Nick obtained his philosophy and literature degree from St. Edwards while Josh obtained his film degree from the University of Texas in 2007. They both played in a few bands in college and post-college, most notably, Black Joe Lewis and the Holden Brothers.
They both studied acting for over 9 years. In 2006 they started writing screenplays, making short films, filming bands, and making music videos. They filmed many studio sessions with Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, and the recording sessions for the soundtrack of the Grammy and Oscar-nominated movie Crazy Heart (2009). Their kickstarter video was voted top 1o our of 30,000 videos and One of their web series, “The Fleshlife” premiered at SXSW in 2012. Their first feature film, which they wrote and directed and produced on a shoestring budget, The Golden Rut, premiered at the Austin Film Festival in 2016, received a buzz screening and won the Sunset Film Festival in Los Angeles.
Nick was born in Los Angeles in 1982, and Josh in 1984 but in 1985 their parents moved them to Lafayette, Louisiana, which is where they were raised. In 2002 they both moved to Austin, Tx. Nick currently resides there with his wife and 2 children. Josh resides there as well with his wife and son.

Have a project idea?